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BASS CLARINET SONATA (for bass clarinet and piano) [2003]

BASSOON SONATA (for bassoon and piano) [2004]

BIHOTZ (for txalaparta) [2022]


CÀSTOR & PÒL·LUX (for percussion duet) [1991]

CHAINS (for brass ensemble and percussion) [2002]


CIRCLES (for woodwind ensemble) [2002]


CLARINET SONATA (for clarinet and piano) [2003]

CONTRABASS SONATA (for contrabass and piano) [2003]

CONTRABASSOON SONATA (for contrabassoon and piano) [2004]

DIVÁN del TAMARIT (song cycle for voice and marimba after a collection of poems by Federico García Lorca) [2008]

EL FERROCARRIL (for children saxophone ensemble) [2001]

EL PETIT BESTIARI (for flute, violin and piano for children) [1998]

ENGLISH HORN SONATA (for english horn and piano) [2003]

FLUTE SONATA (for flute and piano) [2002]

FRENCH HORN SONATA (for french horn and piano) [2004]

GUITAR SONATA (for guitar and piano) [2005]